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0722 733 070

Snapshot of Terms and Conditions

  • Registration fee Ksh 200
  • Membership adults above 18 years
  • Borrow three times savings after1 (one) month
  • Guarantors to guarantee two thirds of borrowed funds for individual loans(borrower plus guarantor’s total 100%) at 1%
  • Chama and group loans- if not guaranteed 100% to attract 2.5% interest but if guaranteed to attract 1% per month
  • Instant loans at 5% interest paid in a month. Not more than 1/2 savings and not more than 10,000. Must be in a group
  • Loan processing fee is Ksh 300 minimum or 1% of loan amount and a ceiling of Ksh 1,500*
  • Close account fee of Ksh 500
  • Safaricom and Equitel tariffs apply
